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Acne scars are a common side effect of acne. It is possible to reduce acne scarring with the right treatments and tips at home. However, if the problem is severe, you should take acne scar treatment malaysia from a reputed skin clinic.
If acne scarring is something that you are struggling with, then this article will provide some helpful tips to help reduce acne scars.
We’ll also cover acne scar treatments which you can avail of in aesthetic clinics like Sozo Clinic for those who want a more permanent fix.

If you’re someone who has never had acne before, don’t worry. There are plenty of ways to reduce acne scars at home! This content would be perfect for people with acne-prone skin looking to find ways to improve their complexion.
How to Treat Acne Scars at Home?
Would you believe that there are tons of acne scar treatments that you can avail of at home? The most common acne scars are ice pick and boxcar acne scars.
These acne scars form when the skin is stretched and torn, resulting in a sharply indented acne mark on the face.
The best way to treat these types of acne marks is by using ingredients found right in your kitchen cupboard! You’ll be amazed how much Vitamin E oil will help reduce the appearance of both ice pick and boxcar type acne marks over time.
Just apply some vitamin E oil directly to your existing pimple or acne mark twice each day for about four weeks (or until it’s gone).
Here are some of the home remedies to help reduce the appearance of acne scars:
Honey mixed with yogurt and lemon juice helps to reduce acne scars. This method is especially good for reducing the appearance of acne marks that are dark or red in color.
To use this acne scar treatment, mix one tablespoon each of honey and plain yogurt together until they form a smooth paste consistency.
Some people may prefer to add half a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to give it some extra zing! Gently rub the lemon-honey mixture onto your skin, leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off thoroughly with warm water. Apply once daily for best results over time!
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Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has many healing properties, which makes it very effective at treating acne marks and acne scars alike! Simply apply coconut oil directly onto existing acne scars twice each day for acne scar treatment results.
Turmeric Paste
Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has impressive anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce acne marks and acne scars alike! Apply one teaspoon of honey with half a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper to two teaspoons of fresh curd (yogurt) and mix well until it reaches a smooth paste consistency.
Then add half a teaspoon of finely grated or powdered organic turmeric root into the mixture and stir thoroughly until they form an even yellow color.
Gently apply this homemade acne mask onto your face and neck area once daily before going to bed at night.
Avoid getting any in your eyes as that may irritation if you do accidentally get some in your eyes, rinse them out with clean water immediately.
Aloe Vera
The Aloe vera plant stores numerous health benefits! It is excellent at treating acne scars and acne marks.
Plus, it has the extra benefit of being able to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles too! Simply apply fresh aloe vera gel onto acne scars twice each day for best results over time.
Baking Soda Mask
Using baking soda as an acne scar treatment works even better when you add some lemon juice into the mix.
Combine a teaspoon of raw honey with half a teaspoon each of freshly squeezed lemon juice and water until smooth paste forms before adding two teaspoons of finely ground baking powder or baking soda into the mixture.
Do this while stirring continuously until they form evenly combined ingredients once more.
Gently apply this acne mask onto your acne scars and leave it on for fifteen minutes before rinsing off thoroughly with warm water. Repeat twice each day until your acne scarring starts to fade away!
What are the Acne Scar Treatments?
If you want a more permanent acne scar removal, there are acne scar treatments like laser resurfacing and dermabrasion. These acne scars treatment methods can help you get rid of your acne scars within a week or two!
Laser Resurfacing
Laser acne scar treatment is by far the most effective removal method because it can also help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and skin discoloration! It’s a simple acne marks treatment that involves using an intense pulsed light (IPL) laser, which emits short pulses of high-intensity visible light rays.
The heat from these laser beams penetrates deep into your pores and destroys acne cells while leaving healthy tissue intact.
Another popular acne mark treatment for getting rid of acne scars is dermabrasion. Using this type of acne scar removal process typically requires one or more visits to a dermatologist’s office since you need them to numb your face with special anesthesia before removing top layers of damaged skin through a process called abrasion.
During the acne scar removal procedure, your dermatologist will use either an electrical machine or a sanding device to remove acne scars, and that’s how you get rid of acne scars!
Fillers are acne scar treatments using special injectable gels, creams, or liquids that help reduce the appearance of acne scars.
This type of acne mark treatment can be used on its own or in combination with other acne scars removal methods like dermabrasion and laser resurfacing!