Here are instructions on how to open a door without a key if, for example, you dropped the lock from the apartment or front door without thinking about the key beforehand.

Open the Door Lock Without a Key
Locksmiths are often outrageously expensive. But we also have DIY tips for you here: There are different ways to open a door that has fallen into a lock without a key.
We have selected the two most promising options for you so that you do not have to spend a lot of money unnecessarily.
Door Slammed: Open the Door Lock with a Card
If your door has slammed and you’re standing outside (in the cold), then in the best case you still have your wallet with you, which contains some plastic cards. This could open your door with a few tries.
Important: If there is a rubber coating or a strip in front of the door, you may have to remove it first. But that’s still a lot cheaper than calling a locksmith!
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Insert the card above the lock with a corner between the door and the frame and slowly push the long side down. Move the card a little and pull the card down a little. The latch should slide back from the card and the door will open. You may need a few tries.
If you don’t have a card on hand or if you can’t get the card between the door and the frame, you can try a PET bottle.
To do this, cut a piece of plastic out of the wall of the bottle. The advantage: the bottle wall is thinner and curved. This way you could get between the door and the frame more easily.
Open Door with Wire
A closed-door can also be opened with a wire. With this, you can get even better between the door and the frame than with a card. Especially when there is molding in front of the door. To do this, bend the wire about 1.5 centimeters at a right angle at both ends.
Make sure that the two ends point in the opposite direction. Insert the wire between the door and the frame with one end pointing upwards, turn the wire over at the level of the latch and the door should open. In the video, you can see how it all works in practice. Much luck.