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Life itself creates avenues- via nature- whereby we can relax, and generally regain our former selves. One of these ways is through the water.
Oceans, streams, fountains, rivers, oasis… water is basically everywhere- our houses are not excluded. Yeah, artificial water-spaces known as swimming pools are things we are all familiar with- and definitely, desire to have.

However, whether you own a pool or not doesn’t exclude you from the dangers of not understanding basic safety tips about pools. Sadly, most of these tips are often overlooked; leading to unwanted consequences.
But then, we care so much about you that we wouldn’t want to be ignorant of these tips. This is why we’ve compiled 7 essential tips you should know before jumping into the pool.
Read Also:
- Myths Buster: 8 Swimming Pools Myths That Are Hindering You to Build One!
- Does Rain Have a Negative Effect on the Water in Your Swimming Pool?
- Willshapool Is Helping People to Build a Pool with Endless Choices
- Does a Pool Add Value to Your Home? 7 Valuable Home Upgrades
- Easy and Budget-Friendly Pool Design Ideas for Your Home
Learn to Winterize Your Pool
As a pool owner, you must be able to decipher when your pool should be closed due in respect to the season at hand. Luckily, the best time to do so is just before winter.
For those in rather sunny environs, the problem winter poses to pools is minimized. However, others in cold regions must take the subject of winterizing your pool very important.
One of the major challenges the cold months’ pose is that your pipes become frozen. Once this happens, your pump and filters stand the risk of being damaged from a frozen pipe explosion. Winterizing an intex pool, or any other pool solves this problem.
The idea is quite explicit – take time to completely shut down your pool before winter, and find it easier to re-open and use it, when the weather is hotter.
Learn to Swim
Anyone who is jumping into a pool would surely know how to swim, right? Actually, no.
Most people go swimming without knowing- at least- the basis of swimming itself. If you are one of these people, try to control yourself.
There’s no point taking risks when you have the solution at your fingertips. Hire a swimming coach, go for lessons, and know how to swim. This would prevent major accidents such as drowning.
Stay Energized
Swimming requires quite a lot of energy. However, this energy is expended so little at a time, that we forget we are losing energy.
And for sure, responding to an emergency when you are less-energized is no-good-way of responding at all.
Try as much as possible to keep your energy levels up- take regular snack breaks, and stay hydrated while in water.
Get a Life Jacket On
It isn’t out of bounds to lose control of ourselves when in water. However, it is out of bounds when we do not take adequate precautions to prevent events that end up wrecking unprecedented damages.
Life jackets are one of the precautions that deserve your attention.
Wherever you are going- the beach, lake, pool- take a life jacket along.
Have a Talk with your Kids
Especially if your eyes wouldn’t be on your kids the entire time. Teach them the basis of emergency reaction- call out for help.
Also, give them tips on how to take adequate precautions such as never entering the pool without a buddy system. If needs be, mandate them never to venture into the pool without adult supervision.
Be Sober
When in water, you do not want to be at the mercies of alcohol. Try to take less alcohol once you get into the pool or any other water body. It makes you respond to emergencies better manners.
Make Sure your Pool is Clean
If your pool is a dirty one, you stand the risk of contracting a variety of skin diseases. So, consciously take actions that would allow your pool to be cleaner.
Final Words
The things you should know about water extended far beyond the tips enlisted in this article. However, this should serve as a basis for your water exploration adventure.