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Are you aware of the risks of tick bites? Aside from being annoying (and a bit scary) these little bloodsuckers can cause serious health conditions, like Lyme disease. It’s important to focus on tick bite prevention.
Do you know how to prevent tick bites so you can stay safe and healthy? We’re here to talk about it. Read on for a few top tips that can keep that creepy crawlies at bay.

At Home: Invest in Pest Control
Did you know that you don’t have to go out into the woods to get ticks? That’s right: there might be ticks living right in your backyard.
Ticks love hanging out in tall grass and any wooded areas. If your yard qualifies, they’re happy to make it their home. They can hop onto pets and even come inside!
To prevent this problem, hire a pest control company that offers tick removal, as this service. They’ll make sure that your yard is as safe and tick-free as possible.
Wear Proper Gear on Hikes
You can’t eliminate ticks everywhere, so what about when you’re out and about? Whether you’re going on a true hike, you’re playing at the park, or you’re walking your dog, how can you work on tick bite prevention in an uncontrollable area?
Make sure that you’re wearing proper clothing. Experts recommend that people wear boots and high socks to help prevent ticks. It’s also a good idea to treat your clothing with permethrin.
Permethrin can last through several washes and it’s great for tick prevention.
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Check Your Clothing and Body When You Come Home
Did you know that ticks won’t often bite right away? They’re more likely to hitch a ride first before they can find a good place to chomp and latch onto your skin.
When you’re back home, check all of your clothing for ticks. It’s best to remove your clothing and shake it outside just in case. Put it in the wash right away.
Have someone else check parts of your body that you can’t see, like your back. Ticks love to hide, and it’s not uncommon for them to go unnoticed.
You want to make sure that you’re checking in your belly button, under your arms, around your ears, on your scalp, and even around your pelvic area. Ticks can hide anywhere.
It’s a good idea to shower as soon as you get indoors if you went somewhere that’s known for ticks.
How to Prevent Tick Bites: Are You Prepared?
Avoiding the dangers of tick bites isn’t easy. It’s important for everyone who lives in tick-prone areas to learn how to prevent tick bites so they can avoid serious illnesses like Lyme disease.
Remember: wear the right gear, always check your clothing and body after going outdoors, and invest in pest control services if you know that your backyard is a tick-friendly zone.
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