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The scale of global warming and its impact has increased in the past few decades. We are well on our path to exceeding the 1.5C limit set by the IPCC report and have seen its effects in the form of floods, tsunamis, and bushfires worldwide.

It is high time that we understand our responsibility towards the environment and the consequences of our unsustainable actions on the world’s ecosystem. As an individual, you are responsible for adapting to eco-friendly practices and a healthy lifestyle.
According to the Living Planet Report, the wildlife population has decreased by 60 percent in the last four decades due to human actions.
If you want to live a responsible life, you need to start from your home and then extend your sustainability practices to the other domains of your life. This is not only beneficial for your health, but it is also a driving factor in preserving the world’s ecosystem.
Hence, we bring you six eco-friendly home improvement projects so you can easily adopt sustainable practices.
1. Sustainable Electricity
The most important thing to remember when adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle is adopting renewable energy sources and abandoning non-renewable sources like gas, coal, oil, etc. They are not only detrimental to you and your family, but their waste also impacts the environment severely.
Sustainable means of energy include LEDs, solar power, and wind energy. For instance, if you are living in Wellington, New Zealand, which is a wonder for renewable power resources, you can opt for solar panels to generate electricity for your house, making it more eco-friendly.
You should hire a professional to install and maintain your energy source by looking up Electrician Wellington or asking for references from your friends and family. Hire a renowned professional for the job to ensure your safety and proper unit maintenance.
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2. Adopt the 3Rs
We’ve all been taught the 3Rs several times: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. These are the fundamentals of sustainable living. However, not even half of us adopt them in our daily lives. To be environmentally responsible, ensure that you use them daily.
The first R – Reduce, encompasses reducing the waste that you produce. This includes shopping carefully and decluttering your space. Avoid buying things you don’t need, and get rid of those you don’t use anymore.
Moreover, avoid over-packaged and disposable goods because of their waste. Using durable and high-quality products increases the number of times you will use them and automatically results in lower waste.
Instead of using sticky notes, use electronic memos and letters, and instead of sending traditional mail through paper, use emails and messaging applications.
The second R – Reuse, encompasses reusing products as much as possible. It is not only economically feasible, but it is also eco-friendly. Focus on repairing things and reusing them rather than getting new ones.
The third R – Recycle, is one of the most critical components of sustainable living. If you use recyclable products, ensure that you throw them in bins designed for recycling the products.
Moreover, you can buy used materials and remanufactured goods. You can also check collection centers and pick-up services to find good additions and decoration pieces for your living space. For example, bamboo baskets or recycled DIY art are good examples.
3. Composting in Gardening
If you are a green thumb and love to plant, you should use composting for sustainable gardening practices. Composting is beneficial for both your garden and your wallet.
The first step in composting is to avoid throwing away leftovers, as they have nutrients and minerals that plants can reprocess. You can then put them in a composter and use them as a fertilizer for your garden. Try to maintain a compost pile. It isn’t as complicated as you’d think. All you need to do is collect all your kitchen scraps and yard waste in a composter and then spread it across the yard and around the trees periodically.
It can significantly reduce your carbon footprint, pests, and the probability of plant disease. It enriches the soil in your yard, and you can avoid using unnecessary chemicals.
4. Insulation
Insulation is another excellent eco-friendly approach. Consider insulation if you are shifting into a new space or renovating your current house. Insulation ensures that heat doesn’t escape your home quickly and that your ventilation system doesn’t have to work overtime in extreme heat and cold.
If you live in a house built in the 90s, then it is possible that you don’t have a false ceiling or your walls have gaps between them. You can have them filled with insulation material to avoid the high insulation cost.
5. Green Flooring
Green flooring is another excellent eco-friendly project for your living space. It involves using sustainable materials and eco-friendly approaches to source them.
Avoid using unsustainable and harmful products that are sourced from less-affluent countries. This affects their ecosystem and is often very expensive.
For example, wood is often irresponsibly sourced from third-world countries, which results in deforestation and instability in their ecosystem. Hence, your best bet is to look for flooring options that aren’t just sustainable but also eco-friendly.
6. Use Eco-friendly Paint
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that volatile organic compounds (VOC) are used in paints, pharmaceuticals, and refrigerants. They are detrimental to the ecosystem and often lead to health problems.
Using them in your home will lead to respiratory issues for you and your family. Moreover, their fumes are harmful to the environment.
Many paint manufacturers are now making eco-friendly paint. It is sustainable and produces fewer to no harmful gases. If you plan to paint your home, try to buy eco-friendly paints.
They might seem expensive initially, but their value for money and reliability will pay off in the long run.
Bottom Line
Eco–friendly home improvement is not an easy task; however, it isn’t as complicated as people make it out to be. If you adopt sustainable energy means, the 3Rs, green flooring, insulation, and eco-friendly paint, you will see that your carbon footprint will decrease and lead a responsible life.