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Did you know that squirrels have two litters of kits every year? With two mating seasons and a hoard of nuts to collect before winter, these are busy little critters.
Female squirrels have their litter in early spring and late summer. During this time, they may break into attics for a place to nest.
So, if you were thinking of preparing for fall, think again! Squirrels are quite active in the summertime and may cause serious damage to your property.
The following lists what you can do to help prevent a squirrel invasion.

Hire a Wildlife Removal Company
The best way you can prevent a squirrel invasion this summer or fall is to hire a wildlife remover.
A professional can not only provide squirrel removal services but keep the animals out by addressing every weak spot on your roof.
He or she will perform a thorough inspection and seal off every potential entry point.
Wildlife remover has high-quality meshes and flashing that keep pests out of attics, decks, and more.
While you can do most of the squirrel-proofing yourself, you should hire a professional for wildlife removal.
If you suspect that a squirrel is living in your home, do not attempt to remove it yourself.
Squirrels have incredibly strong teeth and sharp claws that will cause injury.
They also carry several diseases and parasites, so it is best that you keep your distance.
A wildlife remover can safely and humanely remove the animal and keep it out for good.
Limit Food Sources
Squirrels are attracted to yards where they can find food. Squirrels are opportunistic when it comes to food. Their diet can include seeds, nuts, buds, insects, vegetables, berries, and more.
Once in the yard, they may cause trouble and look for a way into the house.
Get rid of bird feeders or switch to ones that hang from tree branches, high up off the ground where it is difficult for squirrels to reach.
Bird feeders are unfortunately very popular amongst squirrels. If you have fruit trees, pick up their fruit as soon as they fall to the ground. Store grass seed in a shed or garage.
Seal Entry Points
Like trees, attics present squirrels with an opportunity to nest above ground.
Attics are relatively safe, and animals can sense that the interior is warm by the air that escapes the roof vents.
Once inside, they like to nest in the insulation. Examine your roof for damage and make all necessary repairs.
Make sure that your soffits are secure and that there are no gaps in the roof’s edge for a squirrel to squeeze through.
Squirrels can fit through gaps only one and a half inches wide. Cover the chimney and roof vents with steel mesh.
Maintain Your Garden
Mow the lawn on a regular basis and rake the leaves when they fall. Clean out the gutters.
This will limit the number of materials available for squirrels to build nests.
You should also trim tree branches, so they are no less than 4 feet away from the roof.
Keep your outdoor space tidy and free of debris. Store birdseed and gardening materials in a shed.
If you have a vegetable garden, consider investing in mesh bed covers to keep squirrels out.
Use Natural Deterrents
Some evidence suggests that squirrels dislike the smell of apple cider vinegar because it is similar to predator urine.
Soak some rags in apple cider vinegar and place them in perforated sandwich bags. Place these around the garden to keep squirrels away.
You can also spray this substance directly onto your plants. As another alternative, try sprinkling crushed red pepper flakes or spraying your plants with a mixture of water and hot sauce. The spice is too hot for squirrels.