If you’ve ever been out walking in your neighborhood or driving around looking for potential homes to buy, you’ve likely spotted a home with amazing curb appeal. And you don’t even have to be on the lookout for it. Because you know it when you see it.

Curb appeal is what makes you stop and look. Whether you’re driving or walking by, or even out for a relaxing bike ride in the evening, when you spot a property that is well-maintained and tied together with great landscaping and you just have to stop, this is the effect of curb appeal.
There are many ways to generate curb appeal. But perhaps the most effective way is through proper exterior maintenance and landscaping. And lawncare actually goes a long way when you set out to beautify your property.
If you’re ready to make your property look its best and turn your lawn into your own personal paradise, the following will explore a few tips and tricks that will help you to meet these goals.
Prep Your Yard for Pests
Two things that can significantly impede your attempts at creating curb appeal are out of control pests and weeds. And believe it or not, both of these nuisances can get out of hand quickly if left unmaintained.
When it comes to lawn pests, depending on where you live and the local ecosystem you may have a prevalence of specific pests that you have to deal with. But have no fear. There is a solution for any pest population that may be thriving in your yard.
Here are a few of the most common pest signs that you’ll want to be on the lookout for:
- Mosquito breeding grounds
- Termite swarms
- Rat feces
- Cockroach feces
- Chewed boxes
- Sawdust near entryways or over windowsills
When you start noticing the aforementioned signs of pests, it’s time to call in the professionals. Though there are several natural remedies to rid your home and yard of pests, a professional pest control service is always a better solution, especially for larger infestations.
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Removing Dead or Unwanted Trees
Trees are known to add character and charm to a property. In fact, one sure sign of an established neighborhood is the presence of tall trees. However, sometimes the trees that surround your property can present a danger to both you and your family, and to your home as well.
For example, tall pine trees have shallow root systems. And if you live in a part of the country where you see heavy rainfall and high winds frequently, a tall pine tree can become a deadly threat if it falls. Additionally, branches may become too heavy and fall unexpectedly. And this could seriously damage your home or severely injure or kill anyone standing directly underneath.
Creating curb appeal with trees can easily be done by keeping your trees pruned so that you can control their growth. But if you have a dead tree or a tree that may present a danger to you or your home, it’s best to have the tree removed.
Fertilize and Seed in Spring
Right as the last frost occurs, you can almost bet that the grass and flowers are about to begin their spring blooming cycle. And this is the best time to get out in your yard and clear up any brown patches.
A lush, green lawn is a huge part of creating curb appeal. As such, the last thing you’ll want to do is have brown patches or areas of missing grass all over your lawn.
Before you begin spreading, it’s good to know what kind of grass grows the best in your local soil profile. Once you’ve found the best match you can start spreading seeds over the entire area of your lawn. But pay particular attention to the areas where the grass is missing.
It’s good to note that any areas of dead grass will need to be sowed in, or the soil will need to be tilled and prepped with soil rich in nutrients if you hope for any grass to grow. But once you’ve accomplished these steps, keeping up with fertilizer and regular watering will have your lawn looking lush and green in a few short weeks.
Creating curb appeal takes time and patience, along with exterior home maintenance and a solid plan for executing creative landscaping. But you have to get the basics out of the way first before you can begin making your property into the paradise that you envision.