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Typically, you’d only need a professional to control an infestation in your home, when you cannot control it yourself. Possibly, you’d expect them to manage extermination and prevention treatments effectively.
But, what you might not know is that you cannot just sit back and relax after hiring the right pest control service. In other words, there are several tasks that you’ll need to take care of on your own. Both, in order to facilitate the professionals and minimize the clutter they leave behind.

In this article, you will come across the things that you need to take care of before the professionals arrive. And also, the things that you’ll need to do when they leave your home.
Preparing for Pest Control Treatment
First things first, when you hire a pest control service, there are certain preparations you need to make. Here’s a list of preparatory measures you can take.
Store Away the Ration
A decisive factor in the effectiveness of your pest control treatment is the availability of ration to the infestants. Pests usually thrive on scattered food items.
For example, cockroaches eat the wastes and grease left behind from cooking. Likewise, rats and mice also thrive on leftover food.
It is always better to either pack food items in air-tight containers or to completely store them away. In short, you need to prevent any infestants from reaching any food for them.
Convey Medical Conditions
Most of the infestation treatments make use of chemicals that can be toxic to some extent. Even more so, they can be lethal for people with breathing conditions or allergies.
It is always better to convey any medical conditions to the professionals before the treatment.
Besides, you must also inform the professionals if there are pregnant women at home or infants. They usually have a weaker immune system.
Clean the Furnishing and Linen
You must also clean up any furnishing and linen before the treatment. Especially, if you have a bed bug infestation or cockroach infestation.
For example, if you have a bed bug infestation, it is recommended that you wash your linen in hot water. Approximately 85-degree Celsius temperature is believed to be the most appropriate.
Likewise, you should vacuum your sofa and beddings, wash your curtains, for any sort of treatment.
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Repair and Mend Open Gaps
It needs no mention that one of the easiest ways pests and insects can enter your home is through open gaps and cracks. For example, wasps and fleas can easily enter your home from gaps in window ledge or floor panels.
Mending all such gaps and openings can ensure that no more of these infestants can enter. And at the same time, the ones that are already inside, can’t escape the treatment.
You should look for gaps between the ceiling and walls, window and door panels, and also in your foundation.
Move Furniture Away from Walls
Particularly for termite treatments, the professionals would suggest you move all your furniture away from the walls. The recommended distance by the professionals at Gecko Pest Management in Tucson is at least 3 feet. This is to ensure that they have enough space to move around.
Besides, moving the furniture away from walls would also prevent any dust from settling on the furniture.
Moreover, it can also prevent any termite from escaping the extermination.
Cleaning Up After the Treatment
Ensuring the preparations can improve the effectiveness of the treatment, partially. The other half is ensured by cleanup tasks and precautions to be maintained after the treatment is done.
Here are some cleanup tips for you.
Wait for Treatment to Finish
Most of the pest control professionals would tell how long the effect of the chemicals would last. To put this into perspective, it takes time for any insecticide or pesticide to show its effect.
For example, liquid spraying for pest treatment usually takes 4 hours to settle down. Till then it is not advised to step inside the service area, as it would have insecticide dispersed in the air.
It is rather best to wait it out and let the treatment finish.
Dispose of Eatables Left in the Open
It could be possible that you might have left out any eatables in the open. Usually, these eatables would have several deposits of toxic chemicals on them.
Consuming left out eatables might make you very sick, if not kill you for sure.
It is advised that you dispose of them.
Close Any Entry Points for Pests
Once the treatment is over, it is important that you run a thorough check in your house. Any leaks or cracks that might have gone unnoticed before, should be mend now.
For example, leaking taps or pipelines can easily create humid and damp conditions. And it needs no mention that pests and insects are attracted to moisture.
It is rather important that you seal off any leakage and do it regularly, perhaps.
Try to Remove Any Paper Left Lying Around
Paper is a source of food for many insects and pests. Even more so is wet paper.
The professionals would usually thoroughly clean up and trash they create before they leave your premises. However, it is possible that they may miss out on tiny bits of paper and other cellulosic products.
Try to remove all the paper bits that you can find lying around.
Keep an Eye for Reinfestation
Last but not least, is that you need to be vigilant after the treatment. In many cases, the treatment requires revisits. Especially, if the size of the infestation is too large.
Look for any signs of infestation again, every few weeks. For example, you may find one or two cockroaches after several weeks of the treatment.
The best that you can do is inform your service provider about the same. Usually, pest control professionals guarantee their service. So, it is possible that you may not need to pay for the service once again.
The Gist
For a longer-lasting effect of the treatment, it is suggested that regular inspections are carried out. Besides, routine cleanup and maintenance should also not be ignored. After all, infestants love the garbage spills, and you wouldn’t want that.