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According to a survey by the statistics agency, over 75% of traffic on real estate portals comes from search engines, demonstrating the importance of digital media and real estate photography in the sale of real estate.
When viewing an ad, users spend 60% of their time looking at photographs of the property.

Already from these numbers, we understand the importance of HDR real estate photography.
Photography must allow those who are looking at an advertisement to better perceive the spaces, to be able to evaluate the property in its entirety, it must lead the user to imagine and want to live there.
Photography must therefore be the most accurate item of an advertisement, the aspect to which you have to dedicate yourself more.
If you too have found little interest from buyers in your real estate ads, read on!
Now let’s explain why real estate photography is so important in an ad! Sometimes shoppers discard an ad because the first impression isn’t good.
Furthermore, the average user today is able to distinguish professional real estate photography from that made hastily with a mobile phone.
A real estate agency that turns to an expert photographer in the sector to document the properties it proposes, will be appreciated more than one that does not.
This will increase the perception of seriousness and competence in the eyes of customers.
It is therefore essential, to create an ad that immediately strikes the user, to create a professional photoshoot that increases the perceived value of the property.
Real estate photography favors the visibility of the real estate ad and therefore the sale of the property.
Before we move on to the tips, we would like to remind you about one thing backup.
It is advisable to make multiple backups of the images you click so that if they are deleted from the primary location, you have copies in place.
We recommend using a device like Photostick for storing images.
Let us go into a little more detail on how a real estate photo shoot works:
Site Inspection
To best create a photoshoot, it is necessary to make an inspection, to be able to evaluate the spaces and identify the best time to take the photographs.
Proper equipment for real estate photography
You need to have wide-angle lenses, but also macro lenses to photograph details and to take close-up shots.
A starting focal length of 14mm or 16mm is a good choice for real estate photography because it allows you to capture the entire room in a photo, with minimal distortion.
It is essential to use a tripod, to stabilize the camera and to place it at the right height.
Preparation of the Photographic Set
Order and Cleaning
In order for the photoshoot to come out at its best, it is important to prepare the set, clean, and set up the apartment, paying maximum attention to detail.
The property you want to photograph must have a clean and tidy appearance.
This means the elimination of all those accessories or furnishing accessories that are too personal, which leaves little possibility of imagination to the visitor.
The house must be welcoming and ready to be lived in, but without any personal characterization.
On the other hand, an apartment does not even have to be emptied, photographing empty rooms is counterproductive.
In fact, in empty rooms, it is very difficult to imagine the dimensions of the furniture and understand the functionality of the room.
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Choice of the Most Suitable Time
Choosing the right time to take the shots is equally important, in order to enhance the photographic rendering as much as possible.
Sunny or slightly cloudy days are obviously the most suitable, possibly at the time when the sun is highest, between 11 and 15.
What to Photograph and How to do it
You need as much light as possible; it is essential to open the shutters and turn on all the lights.
What to Photograph
It is necessary to photograph all the rooms of the house, internal and external. The facade, the common areas, the staircase, the balconies, the view from the windows, the garage, or the attic are also important.
The potential buyer must have a very clear idea already from the announcement.
How to Photograph
Before shooting you need to find the best position and check where the light comes from and how it illuminates the scene.
It is necessary to use all the available surfaces, if the room is small, it may be useful to shoot from the corners or from outside the door of the room.
In a real estate photo shoot, not only the shooting phase is essential: but also, the post-production.
The files are “developed”, i.e., processed using special software to return an image capable of transmitting the sensations that the property gives, highlighting all its qualities.
Merging multiple files, calibration of contrasts, lights, colors: in good post-production, no aspect is left to chance but attention to detail. In about a week, the shots are ready for the client.
The final result is to deliver a portfolio of at least 25 – 30 shots, which best tells the story of the property, with enhanced photos, which can guide the visitor through a path.
The goal of a professional real estate photography service, in fact, is to communicate the best that a property can offer in reality, without distortions, artifacts, or other deceptive elements.
The user must be encouraged to see the property live without creating false expectations.
The Evolution of Real Estate Photography: the Virtual Visit
Another important tool that has recently been gaining ground in the real estate sector is that of 360 ° Virtual Tours.
It is a series of spherical photos taken with specific equipment joined together, the final effect is that of walking inside the environment being able to look around at 360 °.
This kind of immersive photography has become more important in this pandemic period.
In fact, the importance of having 360 ° photographs and of creating Virtual Tours to present their properties to customers has been rediscovered.
In conclusion, today more than ever real estate photography plays a fundamental role in the sector, both for the recovery of the market and because modern society is in fact based on images.
Furthermore, the distribution channels have multiplied, allowing for greater transmission, which at the same time has generated increasingly fierce competition.
For this reason, it is important to be able to capture the attention of potential buyers at first glance, to be effective immediately, and make a difference on competitors.