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Air conditioners are one of the most important devices in your homes today. They allow you to choose the temperature of the room and thus provide additional living comfort that is required throughout the year.
It is therefore important to choose a model that is best suited to your home and your budget while offering performance worthy of its price.
Even though the price ranges vary, it is still a significant investment for many of us, so we should be smart when buying and make sure to observe different selection criteria. Note, however, that the average amount for reliable air conditioning in Toronto is $4000 before applicable taxes.
Prices vary according to many criteria, especially if the installation is handled by a professional in air conditioning repair and installation. Do you want to know how to choose your air conditioning system?

Read this article focused on the operation and installation of an air conditioner carefully. You will understand why some devices have a higher price than others and what their main characteristics are.
You will also know what budget to plan by referring to the prices and average ranges available to you.
Read Also:
- All You Need to Know about Air Conditioning Installation and Repair Services
- What is the Best Way to Position AC to Cool a Warm House?
- A Brief (But Complete) Air Conditioner Buying Guide
- Tips on Reverse Cycle Air Conditioning for Home
- 7 Steps to Boost Lifespan of Air Conditioner
- Benefits of Split System Air Conditioners
- 4 Possible Causes of an HVAC Leak
- Is a Dehumidifier Worth It?
Evaluate Your Air Conditioning Needs
To choose the right air conditioner, it is necessary to take into consideration the characteristics of your home (surface area, number of rooms, ceiling height, number of windows, quality of insulation, etc. ).
For this, it is strongly recommended to check with an ac installation companies and in some cases, ask them to carry out a thermal balance. This assessment, free, must serve as a premise for the estimate.
Using this evaluation method, professionals will take into account the area and thermal characteristics of the rooms to be air-conditioned, including the number of windows, insulation, exposure, and the number of occupants, to determine the power required for your future air conditioning system.
They will also ask you to choose between a classic air conditioner and a reversible air conditioner, between an electrical device and a renewable energy device.
The 3 Selection Criteria for Air Conditioning
Air conditioners have different powers ranging from less than 2 kW to more than 5 kW. Overall, there will be 100 W of power to air conditioning 10 square feet, (so 2.5 kW for a room of 269 square feet, 3.5 kW for a room of 376 square feet, and so on).
However, this calculation does not take place precisely in reality. The ideal is to seek advice from a pro who will be able to direct you to the right product according to your house.
split air conditioners are very efficient and allow several rooms to be cooled at the same time. Another plus, most split devices now have a hot/cold function, also allowing you to heat a home.
Window models are a little less efficient than the latter. As for portable air conditioners, they represent a temporary solution but to be avoided for the long term.
Window and mobile air conditioners are relatively noisy (noise close to a refrigerator), which can be annoying if you want to place it in a room. Split air conditioners are very quiet.
Split air conditioners blend easily into the decor unlike window or mobile air conditioners which are not very aesthetic. For its price, it all depends on the power you are looking for.
Different Types of Air Conditioners
For optimal performance, the choice of equipment should not be taken lightly. Here is a quick overview of the criteria to take into account in choosing the right air conditioning system.
Cooling off for a few months is good. Investing to use your equipment all year round is better.
Rather than settling for only fresh air, don’t hesitate to turn to reversible air conditioning: they cool in summer and heat in winter.
More and more sophisticated models are pretty affordable in today’s market.
Multisplit or Monosplit System?
Another characteristic to take into account when choosing your air conditioner: the number of rooms to be air-conditioned.
If it is the same room, a monobloc or Monosplit system (consisting of an outdoor unit and a single indoor unit) will be sufficient.
If you need several indoor units, one for each room, your choice should be a Multi-split air conditioning system, consisting of an outdoor unit connected to several indoor units.
Heat Pumps
Reversible heat pumps present heat in winter and cool air in summer. Their technology is called aerothermal energy.
Air packs are extremely easy to use and react according to the temperature recorded. The air-water packs use a device that cools the water circulating in the radiators, the heated floor, or ceiling.
The most important selection criteria are the surface to be heated or cooled, the thermal and acoustic performances (some can be noisy), the level of range, the various functions, the added options, or even the difficulty of access or installation.
Mobile Air Conditioners
Finally, if you are looking for a troubleshooting solution rather than a permanent air conditioning installation, the mobile air conditioner appears is your best bet.
Inexpensive compared to other solutions, it is nevertheless often noisier and bulkier than a wall-mounted or integrated air conditioner.
Maintaining and Repairing Your Air Conditioner
To keep your air conditioner in good condition for many years, it is important to maintain it properly.
Indeed, since it circulates a lot of air, the air conditioner can also degrade the air we breathe in our home, especially if its filters are dirty or dusty.
They must, therefore, be cleaned very often and changed regularly. For cleaning, you can simply brush them with soapy water.
It will also be necessary to regularly empty the condensation tray, which serves to collect the absorbed moisture. The air vents should also be dusted with soapy water.
For air conditioners below 12 kW and containing less than 4 kg of fluid, you don’t have to worry about any inspections or signing a maintenance contract.
However, fouling and gas leakage problems can still occur. It is therefore strongly recommended to have your air conditioning checked every two years.
This is to ensure that it is functioning correctly and that there is no risk of refrigerant leaks.
Indeed, these greenhouse gases should be avoided since they contribute to global warming and are therefore harmful to the planet.
Who to Turn to in Case of an Air Conditioning Breakdown?
You should immediately call in an air conditioning professional who can understand the origin of the problem. The professional will carry out a diagnosis to identify the origin of the problem and give you an estimate for the repair (parts, labor) of your air conditioning.
Depending on his diagnosis, he may be able to repair your reversible air conditioning or he will recommend a solution to replace it.
We strongly recommend that you do not risk repairing a faulty air conditioning yourself unless you know how to check the tightness of a refrigeration circuit or the electrical installation of the system.