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Climate change is real, and it’s happening right now. Global warming is wreaking havoc to the polar ice caps, so it’s warmer today more than ever.
One of the leading causes is the surge in greenhouse gas emissions. This is brought about by using natural resources for manufacturing basic things such as food, clothing, shelter, and technology.

Due to this phenomenon, more and more people are adopting a sustainable lifestyle. Simply put, a sustainable lifestyle is the ability to coexist with nature without putting an enormous strain on nonrenewable resources.
One of the best ways to live this lifestyle is by being eco-friendly. Ready to make the switch? Below are some tips on how you can start little by little.
Read Also:
- Eco Friendly Materials for Homes That You Can Use During Renovation
- 7 Things to Consider When Planning For an Eco-friendly Living Room
- 5 Types of Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Houses for a Greener Future
- 10 Brilliant Ways to Create an Eco-Friendly Garden [Infographic]
- 10 Sustainable Living Innovations for a Greener Home
Avoid Plastics
Plastic does not biodegrade for a lot of years, and it can stay for a really long time. There are a lot of plastics polluting the lands and bodies of water, causing harm to millions of animals. Billions of pounds of plastic are littering the earth, so the last thing you want to do is to add to the problem.
If you want to have a more sustainable lifestyle, go plastic-free, and ditch foods and products with single-use packaging.
Use eco bags and reusable containers when you buy groceries or if you have to get fast food or takeout. Click here to learn more about the grave consequences of single-use plastic bags.
Consider Minimalism
More often than not, a lot of stuff clutter homes because there is more buying than getting rid of unused things. If you don’t find most of the items useful or important in daily life, consider looking into being a minimalist.
Minimalism is about living your life to the fullest with less. You get rid of unnecessary items and expenses because, ideally, all the things you should possess are only what you need.
If you have items that are still usable but don’t want to get rid of them, you can donate them to local shelters. You also have the option of selling stuff online to make extra cash. It is easy to set up and takes less of your time.
Buy Used
One of the biggest and growing contributors to global waste is discarded electronics. Modernity brought technology and several advancements that made life more efficient and easier, but it did not prepare the world for the massive waste it produces.
In the age when it’s trendy to buy the latest available gadgets with the new features, a sustainable lifestyle recommends that you buy used.
Used electronics like refurbished computers and parts like monitors are still viable with years left on them. A great advantage of going for refurbished machines is that they are cheaper than brand-new ones. Other items you can buy used are clothes, furniture, shoes, and cars.
Go DIY with Beauty Products and Cleaners
Beauty products and cleaners have one thing in common: they clean. Mass production is meant to multiply in-demand items efficiently, and to lower costs, chemicals that are meant to preserve are introduced.
These chemicals are safe in the recommended amounts, but some of them are toxic and potentially fatal to those who are allergic.
If you want to be less dependent on these mainstream products, you can opt to cleanse yourself and your home with organic homemade concoctions. There are countless recipes out there that you can choose from.
There’s no need to be intimidated if you think you’re not a crafty person because instructions are only a matter of measuring the correct ingredients and mixing them. Here are some recipes to get you started.
Walk, Bike, or Use Public Transportation
Owning and driving a car can impact your carbon footprint. If possible, walk, bike, have a carpool, or use public transportation to get where you need to go, especially if the location is close. Going car-free helps you save money and lessens your consumption of fossil fuels.
For cities with a great public transportation system, take advantage of that, and ditch owning a car. You can also make your errands more efficient by doing everything all in one day so you’ll have fewer trips outside every week.
What are your favorite eco-friendly tips to make the sustainable-lifestyle switch bearable? Please share them below.