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Your home should be a place of comfort and safety. But a worrying number of accidents take place in American homes every year.

A leading source of potential danger is your home electrical system. Statistics show that electrical issues are the second most common cause of house fires in the US. And then there are all the accidental injuries such as electric shocks, burns, and fatal electrocutions.
This is why it pays to know which electrical problems to look out for and how to fix them. Keep reading to learn more!
1. Flickering or Dimming Lights
This is one of the most common electrical problems that homeowners can experience. Flickering or dimming lights can signify a circuit overload, faulty wiring, or some other issue. Flickering lights can even lead to a dangerous phenomenon called electrical arcing.
To avoid the risk of overheating, sparking, or an electrical fire, you should call in the help of an expert electrician right away to locate and resolve the issue.
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2. Hot Power Outlets
Power outlets that are hot to the touch are a sure-fire sign that you need the expert electrical services of
It’s not easy to notice the heat coming from an outlet unless you’re checking for it. But hot power outlets are a serious cause for concern and something you should check for at regular intervals. Not least because they’re often a precursor to a potential home electrical system fire.
3. Frequent Lightbulb Blowouts
Are you forever replacing the lightbulb in your hall? Does your kitchen light often blow out?
It’s common to assume that these frequent blowouts are due to faulty lightbulbs or overuse in a busy room. But, more often than not, blowouts can be a sign that your home needs urgent electrical repairs.
The real cause of a lightbulb blowout might be a loose connection in the circuit or socket. Or, if you have recessed lights, overheating due to nearby insulation could be to blame. Whatever the cause, though, this is one of those electrical issues that you should never ignore.
4. Sparking Sockets
If you see sparks flying from your sockets when you plug in appliances, this is often a sign of arcing.
And if the sparks are yellow or white in color or if they last longer than a split second, they’re a particular cause for concern.
Although an energy overload could be to blame, improper wiring is the most likely reason for the sparking. Either way, hiring an electrician is a must to get to the bottom of the issue. Because sparks can soon lead to an electrical fire if you leave them unchecked.
Common Home Electrical Problems
When everything is running smoothly, the electricity powering your home should be completely unnoticeable.
That’s why anytime we do notice any of these electrical problems is a cause for concern. And a good reason for hiring an electrician right away.
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