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Summertime means a lot of time spent at the pool for most of us. Have you ever spent hours gathering swimsuits, sunscreen, towels, goggles, and other items? Or have your kids whine about being cold and wish to leave a few minutes after arriving at the pool?
Or you are one of the fortunate few who has a pool, but the novelty has worn off. Your kids keep asking you to join them in the pool. But, you don’t like getting splashed, kicked, and pushed around while swimming with them.

So, we’ve come up with a solution. We’re going to share the best swimming pool games for swimmers of all ages and abilities with you today. These pool activities can keep you and your kids entertained for hours at the pool.
When planning pool party games, consider a few things before the children go in. The most critical factor to consider is safety. Maintain a high adult-to-child ratio at all times.
Keep in mind that the younger the children are, the more they need adult supervisors. Keep the games in the water rather than diving and jumping into the pool.
Also, have everyone drink like camels and wear sunscreen. We’re confident that these pool party games will provide you with some ideas like playing water pellet gun and more.
1. Pool Volleyball
It’s not easy to keep a group of children occupied. You’ll be able to rest as the kids play around with a little planning and this simple pool activity. Toss a coin to see who can get the most points.
This one functions similarly to traditional volleyball, but it is played in a pool. This makes it a lot more difficult but also a lot more enjoyable. You can get an inflatable volleyball set, as well as a floating net with anchor weights and a repair kit.
2. Marco Polo
You’re missing out on a pool party classic if you’ve never played Marco Polo. One individual counts to ten with their eyes closed.
While they count, everyone scatters around the pool. The person who is “Marco” goes around the pool, calling out “Marco” as they go. When they yell Marco’s name, everyone above the water must respond with a loud “Polo.”
You don’t have to say anything if you’re underwater, but you can’t go under after they tell Marco to avoid saying Polo.
If the “Marco” tags another player, that player switches roles. He becomes the one calling out Marco and looking for the other players.
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3. Treasure Hunt
If you have kids, there’s a strong chance you’ve gone on a treasure hunt before (maybe for your vehicle keys?). But, as your beloved grows older, the game becomes more enjoyable.
Swim school graduates can burn off some steam by diving for sunken riches in the depths of a pool. Now, this quest is as delightful solo as it is with a group effort.
Toss a few waterproof items to the bottom of the pool. See how fast the kids can collect all the toys that are the same color.
4. Sharks and Minnows
Have you ever played this game as a child? It was a popular game at school and a pool party classic.
This pool game’s prey and predator idea provides lots of thrills. Be prepared for your child to reveal her real, devious nature when she plays shark.
The game begins when the terrible mammal declares her hunger for a noon snack (“Fishies, fishes come to me”). The minnows disperse and try to avoid their imaginary playmate’s jaws.
The most experienced swimmers will make it through this action-packed pool game. But everyone will be ready for a sun-drenched nap afterward.
5. Whack-a-Wet Mole
If you thought this game was exclusive for the arcade, you’re wrong! You can use a pool noodle or a softball to play a live-action variation of whack-a-mole. Play the game with one person as “it” and the others as moles.
The “moles” emerge from the water, and the opposing team can use a pool noodle or a small ball to “whack” them. A person is out after the “it” tagged them with the noodle or ball.
You can play it against the clock or until the “it” catches all the moles. This game is a beautiful way to spend a lot of energy. The fun is tear-free, thanks to the gentle whack on the head.
6. Floatie Race
Those pool toys appear to be perfect for lazing and bobbing around in, don’t they? Get a handful of their inflatable shark sets and have the kids use the floaties for some fast-paced fun.
Here is how it works: Children choose a pool toy and plunge themselves into the water from the deck. The first to steer their vessel to the opposite side wins the race. But in reality, you’ll be the winner because you’ll be lounging poolside. You can have a (relative) chat in peace.
Final Word
This post will come in handy the next time you’re at the pool or throwing a pool party. When someone says they’re bored, you’ll be able to provide unlimited hours of amusement. So, you must always have a fantastic proposal for a fun summer pool game!
We also hope that these pool activities motivate you to jump in the pool with your kids! Your children want to spend time with you, not only in the pool.
Use the pool as an excuse to revert to your childhood, sans the bit about avoiding sunscreen. Playing these simple water activities with your kids can create lifelong memories. These games will ensure that you all have a good time (which is the point). Have fun swimming!