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Kids usually get scared sometimes with events that they encounter during their childhood and the exam period seems to be part of this.
It can be a challenging part of school life for children and their parents because it rubs off the parents as well.

As a parent, this is another aspect of parenting and there are better ways to ease or even overcome this stress once you can identify how your children are showing the signs of the stress.
Some of the common signs are lots of worrying, headaches and stomach aches, lack of sleep, easy irritation, less activity, loss of interest in food, and a feeling of hopelessness about the future. Let us see some tips on how to help your child in this case.
Help them Boost Their Energy Levels
As earlier stated, the fright of an upcoming exam and the stress associated with it could make the child lose interest in food. Now when the body is starved of food, it would not be able to function properly.
As a parent, you need to work on this aspect as food supplies energy to the body and also has an overall effect on the brain’s growth.
When there is more energy in the body system, it will enhance productivity and the ability to get things done.
It also helps in managing exam stress and gives a better experience of happiness and well-being. So you can give vitamins to your child to help them with concentration and energy levels.
Supplements such as magnesium gummies will go a long way here with giving more energy and making the child more focused.
Spend More Time with Your Child
There is no better time to be closer to your child than now, else he or she will be left with the feeling that no one even cares. So as a parent, you can be flexible during this period.
Exams don’t last forever so don’t get busy as usual and neglect that special two weeks or even less. There is no problem leaving the rooms untidy or other household jobs undone to concentrate on your child at this time.
It should be the child first and other things later. Sometimes, that special love from the parents is all the child needs to give him or her the boost needed.
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Encourage the Child to Get More Sleep
Enough deep sleep usually works like magic and when you wake, you feel renewed and rejuvenated. It improves the mood, refreshes tired body tissues, and makes you wake up feeling smarter.
When you encourage your child to sleep for more hours at night, it can help significantly to overcome the fright and stress associated with an exam that is coming.
Kids need between 8 and 10 hours of sleep every night. To help them get good sleep, allow them half an hour to wind down between studying, using a computer or watching TV, and going to bed.
Assist Them with Studying
This will help them boost their confidence more. There is nothing as reassuring as dad or mum saying “I am here now, let us deal with this exam preparations together”.
You can go through their books and make more inquiries from the teachers to know how best to prepare with your child. After getting all the information you need, make use of ways that your child will not forget.
You can use life examples and even play some videos for them that have connections with the topic under study.
Try to connect the studies to activities he or she is used to every day and these are sure to boost the confidence for the exams.
Let Them Participate in Exercises
This is very important and could serve as the break time between exam preparations especially during weekends. Participating in physical exercises improves the child’s mood and the brain’s cognitive ability.
This is a proven fact by medical experts around the world and this is useful not just for children but for adults as well. It is better when these activities are done under the open sky with nature around.
Your child should already be used to your environment so a change in outdoor venue can help here.
They can enjoy a break in nature with their motorized bicycles, or they can do some rope skipping, or even play football with you and other members of the family. All these help the brain to loosen up and get refreshed for more knowledge.
Final Word
The stress from examination frights usually affects not only children but adults in college as well and if you have ever been there as a parent, you should understand the kind of effects it can have on a little child.
The key is making sure to let the child know that he or she is not alone and that you are willing to help in any way possible and see things through to the end. This is one way to bring your kids closer to you.