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No matter how durable your roof is, there will come a time when you need to replace it. Roofs serve an important function for your home. They need water from getting in, and if working properly, they allow water to flow away from the building.

They are built to last since a roof takes a beating over the course of its lifespan. When you need to replace or repair it, you want to ensure that you do it before you start seeing leaks. Being proactive will save you a lot of money and a lot of headaches.
However, a major roof repair is different from other projects. While the roofing company you hire will take care of the details, you still need to do some work in advance of them starting their work.
In addition, there is safety to consider, along with making sure the conditions are right for the roofers to get the job done. Here’s how to prepare for a roof remodeling project.
Cut Your Grass
This might seem strange since your grass has nothing to do with your roof, but it actually makes sense. During a roofing job, the roofers will create a lot of debris. Much of it will end up falling off the roof and onto your property.
This debris will include big things, like materials for disposal and shingles. However, there will also be tiny things, like nails and wood slivers, that will fall onto your lawn.
Cutting your grass down will make it easier to locate this debris and can remove it from the grass. Otherwise, you could end up hurting yourself, your kids, or your pets when they step on a nail or worse.
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Have a Plan for Your Pets
Some pets do not do well with loud noises, yelling, and banging. All these noises will come from your roof all day during a roof remodel. If your pets are easily distressed, then you need to have a plan for them.
If they can spend time in the basement and that mutes the noises enough, then that is an option. However, they will also need to go outside to do their business, and they are at risk of getting hit by or stepping on debris.
If you don’t have an easy solution, then the best option might be to find a place for your pets to stay while the work is going on. The roofers will also appreciate not having to worry about them while they are working.
Protect Your Attic and the Items Inside It
When you replace your roof, your attic will get inundated with dust and possibly moisture. If you have personal items in your attic, then it’s best to move them to a lower level of the home to keep them safe.
You can also put a tarp over the floor and other components to prevent water damage and possible mold. Dust might not cause damage, but having a tarp or drop cloth will make cleaning up much easier.
Warn Your Neighbors
After you hire a shingle or metal roofing contractor in Grant County, IN, your step should be to talk to your neighbors about what is happening. Even though your home will be getting worked on, it will affect them too.
There will be a lot of noise during the day and potentially debris falling onto their property. It’s also a good idea to ask them if it’s okay for the roofers to access their yard to clean up anything that might get onto their property.
Your neighbors may also have plants they would like to protect from dust and debris; a heads-up would be helpful.
Provide Roofers With Easy Access
Your roofers need to be able to access the roof easily and bring up equipment and roofing materials. The closer they can get to the building, the better. On the day they arrive, move your vehicles off your driveway or from the street in front of your house.
They may also need to come and go regularly, so keep your vehicles away until the job is done. Talk to your roofing contractor ahead of time to see what type of access they would prefer.
They may also need access to your lawn, so remove any furniture if they request it. They will also need easy access to outlets, so move any furniture, barbecues, or lawn implements that might be blocking them.
Have a Plan for the Kids
Just like pets, children may not like the construction work going on at your home, either. If your kids are home during the day because they are little, then the work may interrupt nap times or cause them to be distracted and frustrated as they go about their day.
It might be a good idea for your kids to go to a family member’s or babysitter’s house when the roofers are there. Make sure that they also understand that it could be dangerous to walk around the yard where they might step on a nail or splintered wood.
Take Down Wall Decor
Professional roofers try to keep the disruptions to a minimum, but there will be noise and there will be vibrations. This can cause wall decor like picture frames to fall to the floor and smash to pieces.
Instead, take everything off the wall during a roofing job, and even put anything that sits on the edge of a flat surface somewhere that it can’t fall down. This will protect your personal property until the work is finished.
There’s no way to avoid replacing a roof if it lasts long enough. While the roofer will do all the work, the preparation you put in ahead of time will make things easier for the roofers, yourself, and your family.