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Is a spotless, fresh-smelling home something that only exists in your dreams? If you have kids, it probably is.

While you step on the second Lego of the day, searching for your other shoe under the couch cushions, you may feel like giving up on ever having a clean home again.
But don’t lose hope! There are ways to keep your house clean, even with kids running around and your boss breathing down your neck at work.
If you think we are bluffing, we don’t blame you. It’s not an easy feat! You can anticipate your toddler emptying the toy basket as soon as you finish picking up all the toys off the floor. So, how will you fight your battles without a little strategy? Here are some ideas for the busy parent to keep their house spotless:
1. Keep the Flooring Ick-Free
Accept that spills happen. Panicking at every juice spill or scolding your kids every time they track in mud from the backyard is not going to make the stains go away.
Instead, be prepared for these accidents by keeping a stash of cleaning supplies in an easily accessible place. You can take care of the mess right away instead of letting it sit and fester.
Hardwood floors are easy to clean with a quick daily sweeping and occasional mopping. If you have carpets, that’s where the real test begins.
Try to vacuum at least thrice a week, and spot clean as necessary. But if the situation is worse than a simple spill, you might consider hiring a professional carpet cleaning company to come over and do a deep clean. Check out some great options.
2. Make Use of Shower Breaks
Bathrooms can become messy pretty quickly. Toothpaste stains in the sink, water spots on the mirror, and a ring around the tub are all signs that it’s time to give your bathroom a good cleaning.
Who has enough time for that when you’re trying to get ready for work in the morning? But again, you can’t leave the germs partying in there either!
So, do what you do best: multitask. When you’re in the shower, take a quick minute to scrub the tub and wipe down the counters. You can even put shampoo on that dirt ring while at it. And if you’re enjoying a nice steamy shower, don’t forget to pick up that microfiber cloth and give the glass door a good wipe.
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3. Do a Load of Laundry Everyday
Honestly, avoiding laundry like it doesn’t exist is not going to make it go away. It will only pile up until it becomes a mountain of dirty clothes. So, instead of dedicating your precious weekend time to laundry, try to do a smaller load daily.
Set aside sometime in the morning or at night, and get it done. If you don’t have a washer and dryer at home, plenty of laundromats would happily take your money in exchange for their services.
But with kids and their happy ice cream hours, shelling out on laundry services might become a regular thing. And before you can tell, you’ll have a grumpy, empty wallet! So, try teaching your kids how to do laundry to save money and get those little hands involved in house chores. It’s a great way to bond, and they just might enjoy it.
4. Use The Dishwasher
Some of us enjoy dishwashing because it feels therapeutic. But, after a busy nerve-wracking day, the last thing anyone wants to do is scrub dirty dishes.
The best way to avoid a sink full of dishes is to use the dishwasher. If you don’t have one, now might be a good time to invest in it. It’ll save you time and a lot of precious energy. Just make sure to wash the dishes before they start to pile up.
Otherwise, you’ll be stuck with an overflowing dishwasher. Since operating a dishwasher is pretty simple, even your kids can help with this chore. If your kids are too little, ask your partner to help out.
5. Schedule Everything for an Easy Cleaning Routine
You’re probably used to organizing everything in your life, from work meetings to family vacations. So, why not do the same for house chores? A cleaning schedule will help you stay on top of things and avoid any last-minute cleaning frenzy.
Make a list of all the pending tasks and assign each one to a day of the week. And don’t forget to add some buffer time for those days when things don’t go as planned. Life happens!
Also, remember that it’s okay to ask for help. There’s no embarrassment in admitting that you can’t do everything alone. So, get your partner or kids involved and make cleaning a family affair.
6. Declutter Once, and then De-clutter Regularly
De-cluttering is still a good idea, even if you don’t have a problem with holding on to things. It’s easy for our homes to get cluttered with all the stuff we accumulate over time.
And, as much as we would like to believe that we’ll go through everything and get rid of what we don’t need, that rarely happens. An ideal way to de-clutter is to do it all at once and then regularly. Once a month, set aside time to go through your stuff and eliminate anything you don’t use or need.
From toys to clothes, some things have to go. And, if you can’t seem to part with certain things, try putting them away in storage. That way, they’re out of sight and not taking up valuable space in your home.
Crayon drawings on your walls or play-doh squished into your carpet; these things happen when you have children. The right way to handle things is to have a plan, so you’re not constantly playing catch up.
By following the tips above, you should be able to keep your home clean and clutter-free without too much effort. Remember to be patient, take things one step at a time, and involve the whole family.