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In the twenty-first century, while some people are busy designing their lavish and luxurious homes, there is a considerable rise in people opting for tiny houses.
These small homes are typically ranged from as low as 70 square footage to 400 square footage. Many tiny houses are even built on trailer beds.

Many people still believe that downsizing your home by around 75 percent may seem drastic, but they have observed and experienced positive changes, according to the tiny house owners.
There are various reasons why people tend to live in these small houses rather than luxurious big homes. Though there are multiple reasons, this article will mainly focus upon the top 5 reasons.
If you were surfing the internet, for this reason, this article has got you covered. This article will guide you through the 5 reasons why most people live in tiny houses.
Environmentally Friendly
One of the most obvious reasons people opt for tiny houses is that they want to play their part in a more sustainable environment and lead a sustainable lifestyle.
These small houses have proved themselves to be much more energy-efficient as compared to traditional homes. Any tiny house for sale requires much less energy consumption, including heating, cooling, and lighting.
Decreased Maintenance
Before buying anything, one makes sure that the thing they are buying comes with easy and cheap maintenance.
If a tiny house is around 400 square feet, which is the maximum, then indeed, the dusting, vacuuming, and sweeping wouldn’t take much time.
The repairs within the house would be at a much-reduced scale, which also falls within the budget.
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Many people love the idea of a tiny house but think twice before restricting them to 400 square feet. These types of families opt for petite dwellings.
It can serve as a rental property, guest house, mother-in-law suite, and much more. This option provides multi-functional that also takes away their confusion.
Low Cost
It is no surprise that many people opt for a tiny house for sale because of its low cost. The smaller the house, the smaller the price.
As per a survey, the average cost of a typical home is around $270k, whereas the cost of a tiny house for sale is only about $23k, which is less than a tenth of that.
Due to this reason, most of the small house owners are mortgage-free(68%).
Most homeowners of tiny houses use the term “self-sufficiency” as one of the primary reasons for shifting to small places.
Due to this reason, it is gaining a spike in popularity amongst the tiny home community. They are often compared to RVs, and these small houses are more likely to be traditional homes on wheels.
The owner is at a free will of moving residency at any time according to his comfortability and plans. As discussed earlier, these homeowners are debt-free without a mortgage, and due to this reason, they are much less tied down to the conventional way of life.