4 Steps for a Healthier Pet Friendly Home — If you’re like most pet owners, it’s your beloved furry or feathered friends who fill your house with love and make it into a friendly home. But is your home friendly for your pets? Thousands of pets are injured — or worse — every year because their environment wasn’t made safe enough for them. You’re probably aware of common dangers like antifreeze and chocolate, but do you know which other household items should be kept out of reach of your pets?
A few precautions can prevent a pet-related disaster — especially when you’re not home to restrain a curious and playful animal from getting into hazardous materials. Items such as rubber bands, string, and dental floss can get wrapped around an animal’s throat during normal play, for instance. Birds are very sensitive to environmental toxins and can be harmed by fumes from nonstick pans, self-cleaning ovens, or aerosol sprays. Many common house and garden plants are toxic to animals, including azaleas, English ivy, tulips, and mistletoe. Fertilizers, plant foods, and de-icers should be kept away from any outdoor areas where your pets have access.
Improving your indoor air quality is important for your pets as well as your family. Be sure to check your HVAC filters monthly and replace them regularly. Your pets are breathing much closer to the ground than you are, so vacuuming and sweeping your floors regularly to keep dust, pollution, and irritants from being stirred up into the air is really important for them. Check out this cute infographic that spells out all the details on making your home pet-safe in four simple steps.
4 Steps for a Healthier Pet Friendly Home
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