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Running a business is far more liberating than working the standard 9 to 5, but it does come with its own unique set of challenges like managing finances and the work environment.
The majority of the business expense goes into covering rent for the space used in conducting your business. A bigger commercial space with various amenities will cost you far more than a smaller one.
Owing to this reason and the recent pandemic, many small businesses now prefer working remotely and in contactless work environments.

Moreover, a lot of the businesses now are started and operated from the kitchen table anyway. But is that at all sustainable in the long term?
Many such businesses eventually tend to expand beyond their original spatial confines due to exponential growth in customer demand or a high influx of resources in the form of investments.
Instead of cramming an already limited space with additional inventory or running the risk of turning your home into a makeshift messy office, it would be better to look for alternative storage options.
That’s where self-storage units come into play. Usually cheaper than commercial office spaces, self-storage units provide the necessary space required for a growing business.
Benefits of Using a Self-Storage Unit
Self-storage units offer much more than additional space. Some of its benefits are listed below:
- Guarantee That Your Stock Will Remain Safe
- Flexible Leasing Contracts
- Variety Of Sizes
- Receipt And Dispatch Service
- Cheaper Than Regular Office Spaces
Now that you know why you should consider running a business out of a self-storage unit, the following are some tips on how to do it properly.
1. Choose a Unit That Accepts Deliveries
This tip is useful for professionals who sell bulk orders online on Amazon or eBay.
There are only a limited number of Boise ID storage units that provide ample enough space for stock storage and also accept deliveries.
Choosing a storage facility that accepts deliveries gives you the liberty to focus on the business side of things that truly matter, rather than waiting around for couriers all day, or collecting deliveries.
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2. Consider a Drive-Up Storage Unit
This goes for all the businesses that require a storage unit to keep their stock in. Choose a storage unit that provides drive-up access, so that the vehicle containing your goods can directly unload at your unit.
Not only does it save you valuable time but also prevents the extra hassle of manually moving your goods into your storage unit.
3. Store Excess Furniture
This is an excellent choice for the people who:
Are Looking to Expand Their Home Office
Separating work and personal life is the key factor behind achieving the coveted work-life balance.
Working from home, this balance can get disrupted when work life starts to invade into your personal life and vice versa.
Not only does this kind of arrangement lead to confusion and complications because of the mixing of the two domains, but it can also affect the quality of a person’s home life.
Move your file cabinets and other extra office supplies into a storage unit where you will be able to keep them ordered and out of your personal life.
Are Vintage Salesmen
A self-storage unit can be invaluable for a vintage salesman who repairs and sells antique items.
Not only will it offer you the peace of mind that your fragile valuables are safe, but it will also provide you with ample space that you may need to store those large antique furniture sets.
Many people move such sets into their basement. Not only does it take a lot of effort, but you may also damage the furniture while moving them.
Moreover, the less-than-ideal temperature and extra humidity in the basement can also cause the items to develop mold and, hence, lose their value.
Are Businessmen Looking for Decluttered Workplaces
Business needs are ever-evolving. A piece of equipment that was previously indispensable to a business’ needs may be gathering dust in a corner today.
But that does not mean that you can get rid of it entirely. There may come a time when you might need it again.
A storage unit is a perfect home for such undecided items. If you can’t make up your mind about it, chances are you might need it someday, and it would be better to keep somewhere safely stored.
4. Look For Climate-Controlled Storage Units
A climate-controlled storage unit is a perfect choice for people looking to store valuable documents like client files, old albums, and artifacts.
Art galleries and artists are responsible for a range of paintings and artworks that require a strictly controlled environment. The environment has to be dry, clean, and fire-proof to prevent any sort of damage to the valuables stored inside.
The same goes for realtors, publishers, and lawyers who have a huge inventory of client files, books, drafts, and brochures that need to be stored in a safe environment.
5. Use Your Unit as a Creative Space
This tip is for professionals with creative inclinations, like filmmakers and photographers. A huge and empty space is like a blank canvas for any creative person.
Use the space of your storage unit to save your valuable filming equipment. You can also use it as a makeshift photo studio with adequate lighting and relevant backdrops.
Storage units are also great for product photography. Not only can you set up a space for taking photos, but you can also store the products nearby.
If your storage unit is Wi-Fi enabled, you can bring in a laptop and edit your work right there.
6. Educate Yourself About the Rules in Place
There are tons of options available when it comes to self-storage units. They vary in size and the amenities they provide. Some units boast an in-house, co-sharing office space, while others may not even have electricity.
Always choose a self-storage unit based on your readings of its rules and amenities. Only after that can you make a wise decision concerning your unique needs and requirements.
For example, if you are hoping to lease a self-storage unit to safe-keep your paintings, make sure that the unit you choose is climate controlled. A well-informed decision can save you from a lot of future inconveniences.
The Bottomline
Self-storage units can be invaluable when used properly for the right purposes. Keep the above-mentioned tips in mind to choose a unit according to your business and requirements.
Always educate yourself about the storage unit’s rules in advance to guarantee smooth operations in the future.