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Gardening is a hobby that has been enjoyed by people around the world for many generations. It can be a relaxing activity to enjoy during the weekend or after work.
A healthy lawn also adds value to your property and can increase your curb appeal. Following are some ways you can ensure that you take proper care of your lawn so that it remains tip-top year-round!

1. Use a Trimmer Without an Automatic Feeder
There are many types of trimmers, from basic string trimmers with a string attachment to the more powerful rotary models that mulch their way through thick grass.
Trimmers with automatic feeders usually don’t offer much control over the amount of trimming they do, so you may end up with a lot of long strings left on the ground as they try to collect everything they’re trimming.
The best trimmers have simple controls so you don’t have to worry about accidental overcutting and unnecessary string messes.
2. Mow on a Regular Basis
If you are one of those people who enjoy devoting time and effort to their lawns, then you know all too well how important it is to follow the right steps in order to ensure your lawn looks its best.
Unfortunately, a lot of homeowners do not know what needs to be done in order to take proper care of their lawns.
Hence, it is advised that you look for good lawn care near me, and find some expert to do it for you. They know all the essential work that goes into lawn care, so your lawn would be in good hands.
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3. Water Deeply and Infrequently
Lawns need 1 to 1½ inches of water a week. To determine if you are applying enough water, place a tuna fish can in the irrigation pattern and measure how much water is applied in 30 minutes.
4. Avoid a High-Nitrogen Fertilizer
High-nitrogen fertilizers will make your lawn green, but they also encourage the growth of tender grass that is more susceptible to pests and diseases.
That’s why many professional groundskeepers use slow-release fertilizers with a 3-1-2 or 4-1-2 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Your local garden center can tell you which fertilizers are best suited to your climate zone.
5. Clean Up Leaves
Leaves are a great source of organic matter, and they’re particularly valuable when you have hungry soil. However, too many leaves can deprive your lawn of oxygen and light.
If the leaves are falling faster than you can move them, just layer them up in a corner of the garden they’ll spread themselves around after mulching or mowing.
6. Use Vinegar to Clean Your Driveway and Sidewalk
Forget about going out and buying driveway cleaner. Instead, just use some vinegar to spray down your sidewalk, driveway, and outdoor furniture. It’ll disinfect everything without leaving a bunch of harmful chemicals behind.
7. Get Rid of Weeds
Weeds are the bane of a beautiful lawn. They’re especially frustrating because they grow rapidly, spreading seeds at a rate that can overwhelm your lawn in no time at all.
If you’re struggling with weeds, you need to act quickly. Your lawnmower can take care of tall weeds, but you’ll have to do more to stop them from coming back.
8. Seeding Bare Patches with Care
If you want to reseed a bare patch in the lawn, you’ll need to dig up the dead grass and loosen the soil beneath it.
It’s a good idea to add some compost or manure while you’re at it since this will make a good seedbed.
Once you have done this, throw some seeds on top and lightly rake them into the soil. Firm the area down with your feet and then water daily until the grass is established.
9. Clean Up Debris
Leaves are a nuisance for lawns in the fall but don’t just run over them with a rake or mower that will break down the leaves and release nitrogen back into the soil for grass to use.
Instead, keep leaves off your lawn by raking them up or blowing them into a pile elsewhere in your yard where they can decompose naturally.
10. Rake Away Thatch
If you’ve not been taking care of your lawn, chances are you have a layer of dead grass between the top and root layers. This is called thatch.
It can be the source of many problems for your lawn, including killing off new grass trying to root in your lawn.
Before you fertilize and oversee your lawn, take some time to rake away thatch from your lawn to give new grass a better chance to grow.
Final Words
Without proper care, many of your lawn’s common problems can lead to an unsightly, unhealthy, and undesirable lawn.
Luckily, the majority of these issues can be avoided with common sense and a little know-how.
By taking care of the proper procedures that surround turf management, you will ensure strong, healthy turf all season long!