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A private house as a permanent place of residence has many advantages. Still, there are also some disadvantages, without considering which you can repeatedly regret in the future.
This article will tell you how to choose the right houses for sale and what you should pay special attention to.

Choosing a House
Finding a decent option for a private house can take much longer than finding an apartment.
Therefore, real estate in the private sector should be carefully studied not only inside, but also outside.
Here you should take into account the layout, the quality of building materials, the terrain, and so on.
For example, if your children are studying in Iowa, then you should buy northern Iowa real estate. This way you will avoid difficulties with transport.
By the way, if you live in Iowa, then you are luckier because North Iowa realty is cheap now.
Inspection of the Interior of The House:
- Check whether the house has not given an incorrect shrinkage. You can find out this by looking at how the entrance doors open.
If there is a characteristic scratching, then it is worth thinking about.
- Inspect the windows for the presence of moisture in the double-glazed windows and the absence of a draft from the cracks.
- Inspect the walls and floor. They should be smooth and not cold, especially in the winter season.
- Pay attention to the layout and combine it with the needs of your family.
- Evaluate the state of communications. To do this, ask to turn on the gas, water, heating.
Check the water pressure, whether there are stagnations in the pipes, and so on.
Find out about the sewer system and, if the house is equipped with a cesspool, inspect it.
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Inspection of the House from The Outside:
- The walls should be of sufficient thickness to be warm in winter and cool in summer.
- There should be no cracks on the walls. If there is cladding (siding, etc.), it will be challenging to notice cracks, even if they exist, which significantly increases the risk of encountering problems in the future.
- The foundation of the house should be high enough and even better if it is insulated.
- If there is a basement, it must be dry, otherwise, moisture will penetrate into the house. The same applies to the attic and the roof.
We do not recommend buying a house in the dry season; at this time, high humidity and a leaking roof can not be noticed.
- If you need a garage or some outbuildings, then take this point into account when selecting options.
- Availability of infrastructure and location: shops, school, kindergarten, public transport stop, distance from the central part of the city, etc.
If you lived permanently in an apartment and decided to buy a house, first think about everything carefully.
Is it necessary for you and is such a change suitable for you and your family?
Introduction to the Layout
A house is not just square meters. Comfort depends not on the total area but the correct layout of the living space.
So, what should I pay attention to when buying a house? What are the most important points?
A comfortable house can be called one in which it was possible to achieve the right balance of a sense of spaciousness and privacy.
It is good when the day-stay rooms the living room, hall, dining room-smoothly “flow” into each other: this will create a sense of freedom and spaciousness and will save you from having to open the doors when moving around the house constantly.
At the same time, each family member must have the opportunity to be alone if he wants.
This, at a minimum, dictates the need for a sufficient number of bedrooms in the house.
They don’t need to be significant: on the contrary, it is easier to create a much-needed sense of comfort in a small room.
In addition, the house should have as few narrow, long, dark corridors as possible.
This is not all that you need to know when buying a house. In some cases, there is a need for additional checks.
An experienced realtor can feel all possible tricks, so it makes sense to entrust this work to a well-established real estate agent when buying a property.