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Let’s face it, we’re all aware of the deep impact the pandemic currently has had on new construction. Companies are hemorrhaging money and bleeding out from the lack of new clients, upcoming projects, or even promising leads with the prospects of future dealings. To read more about the impacts the COVID-19 pandemic has had on construction workers and businesses, click here.

Thankfully, where there’s a market for something then there’s a business for it. Home builder sales assistants are becoming more popular for both large and small contracting and construction businesses, alike.
There’s no shame in needing help. In fact, it’d be quite shameful to not use such a smart and innovative new way to generate sales. The world is changing and small businesses need-not do everything in-house anymore. Affordable, reliable sales agents are only a few clicks or phone calls away between your company rising to the top or folding and dissolving.
In the following words, I’ll answer a few key questions on the process as well as further information on the current state of construction affairs in America.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Home Builder Sales Assistant?
A home builder sales assistant typically has the role of assisting a sales consultant or foreman with marketing and promoting a client’s new business as well as prospecting for new clients.
Not only that, but the sales assistant also follows up on these prospects and sees the sale through to the end, whatever the outcome may be.
There are some companies like Builder Lead Converter which abide by the “buy or die” strategy where they will check all of your leads for you until they’re either dried up and taken off the books entirely or are successfully booked for the contract with your company.
You want to find a company that helps not only develop but helps maintain the relationships you’ve built with prospective clients and leads and also within the realtor community. They are going to be communicating and working with both your team and your clients, so cohesion amongst both is a must.
Read Also:
Who Needs a Home Builder Sales Assistant?
Any construction company interested in growing their businesses exponentially would be interested in the sales aggregating abilities these companies offer and the process to fully complete a sale and continue the relationship with the said client for potential future leads or projects.
Some smaller companies think they could do everything in-house, but anyone working construction right now knows that there’s a severe lack of reliable work as it seems the industry is still struggling to get back on its feet after the disastrous 2020-2021 season ended.
Don’t stress yourself out. If your construction company is having difficulty generating leads and successfully securing projects that are seen through their fruition, then there are companies out there that know how to do the hard work for you and get people in the door.
Why do I Need One?
As stated earlier, the COVID-19 pandemic (which is still ongoing, by the way) has greatly damaged the construction industry.
New constructions are at a standstill or have been completely wiped out, out altogether. It’s not wrong to want or need help for your struggling business in these trying times. Thankfully, the census does seem to indicate construction is on the up and up.
These professionals are sales masters and do this every day. Focus on your company and what they do best, and that should be the planning and construction of new homes and businesses. Get your team back to work faster and more frequently without the burden of scouring the earth for more leads.
How Can I Find One?
The answer is easy. Like everything else after the year 2005, just Google it! You may find local sales assistants in your area, but there are plenty of national countries that will help generate sales for you wherever you are.
However, just like everything else you Google, try to verify the company’s authenticity and legitimacy before doing any business with them.
Check Yelp or Google reviews from clients that have worked with the company, both successfully and unsuccessfully. Remember to fully investigate all possibilities before making a decision that will impact your business forever.