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The floor is that part of the house that always takes a beating. It receives all the foot traffic at home, so eventually, those floors will look in desperate need of sprucing.
For homeowners, the desperate look of their floors can also mean a significant expense of money and effort.

Although a major floor renovation may be expensive, there is a tendency for homeowners to jump right into a solution to spruce up their floors regardless of its cost. That said, there are still ways to refresh your floor without breaking the bank. Read on for a few helpful tips.
Touch Up Any Deep Scratches
Over time, floors can have deep scratches from kids’ toys or moving furniture around. Those scratches start shallow but could become deeper later, making them even more visible.
To solve this, use a tiny artist paint brush or cotton bud to apply a wood stain that matches the floor. Brush or feather the stain lightly, so it looks like wood grains instead of paint stains. Leave it to dry, or use a hair dryer.
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Apply A Hardwood Revitalizer
If you are using hardwood for your flooring, you should know that hardwood is durable, keeping your floor looking new for a long time.
When it starts looking worn out, head to your local home depot, purchase a hardwood revitalizer like Epic Floor Finish and finish, and see its magic work on your hardwood floors.
When applying the revitalizer, always start with a clean floor. Then, apply it according to the package instructions. Don’t worry if the color doesn’t match your hardwood upon application, as it clears up as it dries.
Leave the revitalizer enough time to dry thoroughly before bringing your furniture back and allowing anyone to step on the floors. This could take around 45 minutes to an hour. If you have carpets or rugs, wait at least 24 hours before putting them back.
Use Peel-And-Stick Floor Tiles
Peel-and-stick wallpapers are becoming more popular today, given their convenience. But did you know that there are stickers for floors too? There are numerous choices of vinyl floor stickers you can choose from online. Some patterns may even replicate a wooden texture so it could look more natural.
This option is cost-effective and convenient to use, especially when your floors look like they could use a makeover. Ideally, an entire re-do of your flooring is recommended, but if you don’t have the time and money for it yet, it can be an excellent alternative.
Use Felt Pads on Furniture Floors
Sticky felt pads can do wonders in minimizing marks and scratches on your floor after you’ve taken the time to spruce them up. You can find them in many stores, which are relatively inexpensive, so it is best to get some pads for your tables, chairs, and furniture.
Prevent The Accumulation of Dust on The Floor
One of the main culprits of dull-looking floors is the settling in of dust. Homeowners who own vacuum cleaners shouldn’t have much problem with them, as the vacuum cleaner makes it easier to stay on top of dusting the floor.
But, for those who only have a dustpan at home, here’s what you can do.
When you’re sweeping the floors, wet the dustpan. That way, when you collect the dust and sweep it toward the dustpan, the collected dust stays. Otherwise, there could still be little dust particles returning to the floor as you clean the other parts of the home.
This may only be a simple trick, but it’s effective in cleaning and keeping your floors from dust.
Shoes Off!
Lastly, now that you have brand-new-looking floors, make it a habit to keep your dirty shoes off the floor.
Shoes carry dust, mud, soil, dirt, and all other things it has been stepping on as you were out and about. Keeping your shoes off helps keep your floor fresh as it prevents the build-up of dirt that may degrade its overall look.
The Bottomline
Flooring is one of the most crucial parts of a home, as it is often the first one guests will notice upon entering your home. A damaged or dirty floor affects the overall appeal of the home, and eventually, it will affect all your household functions.
Fortunately, there are many things you can do to breathe new life into it, beginning with the tips above. Test them out, see what works best for your floors, and make them part of your home maintenance routine. By doing so, you’ll brighten up your floor effectively.