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Keep Your Home Organised, Clean and Clutter-free — At some point in our lives, we have all noticed that we don’t use the third part of the things we own. ‘I might use it someday’, ‘I paid a lot of money for that’, ‘It’s a gift, I can’t toss it’ are the mantras that lie behind piling up chaos.

How to Keep Your Home Organised, Clean and Clutter-free
With some effort, it is possible to change these habits and live in a clutter-free home. It might take time and patience to introduce a new way of handling things, but it will pay off in the long run.
Get Rid of Excess
First, try figuring out what is the excess around your house, and get rid of it. An easy way to distinguish things you really need from the clutter is asking yourself a simple question – ‘If I lost this, would I miss it? Or even realize it’s gone?’. You may be surprised at how many answers would be negative. Go one room at the time, or start with one type of items and get rid of them from all of the rooms. This includes:

Take one can and use it to collect paper for recycling. Put in it all the letter and bill envelopes, prospects, flyers, old newspaper, catalogues and things that are obviously trash. After that, go through your old notebooks, recipe books, even books. If you have that book for over three years and you still haven’t read it, you probably never will. Give them to a friend or make a donation to a local library.
Cosmetics/ Chemicals

Open all of your kitchen and bathroom cabinets and put all of the products on the floor. Now, take essentials aside – things you definitely use every day. What is left are half-empty bottles, old and expired products and things you never use. If you have something for over a year, it’s probably not good anymore. Throw it all away or make a donation. Look how much free space you have now!

This is probably the most common source of clutter in every home. Things that don’t fit anymore but are not old yet, things we hope will fit again someday, old worn-out shirts and jeans, hats and scarves that you actually never wear; these are all creating an illusion of full closet. It’s not easy and it can take time to figure out what can stay and what needs to go. If it will make you feel better and like you are not wasting, donate it to charity or a second-hand shop.

The kitchen is a space where every item has its purpose, so we feel like we need all of that, but we don’t. We clutter here more than we realize. Get rid of all the dented pots, mugs without a handle and broken devices you’re never actually going to repair. It refers to food as well. All those empty tea boxes, stale cookies and old flower full of mealworm need to go out. Old sponges and mops that couldn’t really be properly washed anymore don’t belong to your kitchen as well.
Must Read:

It is hard to admit, but you don’t need your kid’s crib in the garage anymore, neither that old sofa that just collects dust. But if you still need to hold on to them just a little longer, use one of the rental storage spaces that are becoming more and more popular in Australia. They are also good for putting seasonal things away, like camping equipment, art stand, or kayak alternatively you can buy a storage rack from Outdoor Play if you use your kayak often.kayak or art stand. The best thing is that you don’t need to bother with the removal yourself. Hire some of the best removalists Sydney can offer to help you with your clutter.
Keep It Neat
Once you’ve managed to get rid of all the excess, try maintaining the order. Challenge yourself to buy less. That is the most logical way of reducing clutter. Don’t buy products unless you are out of them and don’t pile food in your fridge if you can’t manage to use it in time. Don’t allow your ironing pile to grow by dealing with ironing weekly. Develop a habit of 10 minutes evening clean-out, where you put everything where it belongs, or at least in the right room.
In the end, it is important not to exaggerate. There will always be slightly more things around the house and occasional mess every now or then, especially if you have small children. Minimise the chaos at the very moment and don’t let go of your habits.
Author Bio
Jessie is a passionate blogger and home and office designer. She loves writing about tips and tricks that make every home a better place, inside and outside. Besides this, she loves sports, outdoor activities and spending time with her close ones. Facebook Twitter