Carpets continue to be popular for creating a cozy and warm atmosphere in the room. But their owners from time to time have to face problems, in particular, those related to burning. Such situations are rare, but they do occur. Then you have to think about how to restore the fibres so as not to buy a new coating.

A properly cleaned and repaired carpet will last twice as long. That’s why from Speedy carpet cleaners, we bring you the DIY tips for carpet repair at home.
What to do if the Carpet is Burnt
The most common situation is a fall onto a coal coating. It is not able to burn through the canvas completely, but it will spoil the fibres. Consider what to do if someone burns the carpet with hookah charcoal.
The damaged area turns out to be small. It is not so difficult to restore it, especially if the coating has a medium or long pile. You need to act like this:
- Take a carpet cleaner, prepare a solution, and treat the damaged area. You need to use the resulting foam, and not the water itself;
- Dry wet fibres. Do not work with them when wet;
- Take your nail scissors. You will need to carefully cut and remove the damaged pile;
- With the same scissors you need to cut out good fibres in those areas of the coating where it will be invisible;
- apply good glue to the damaged area, use tweezers to layout undamaged fibres on it;
- press down this piece with a heavy object, wait about a day;
- Comb the fibres with a brush.
Read Also:
- Soiling vs. Staining: Which Carpet Problem or Cleaning Problem are You Tackling?
- 5 Ways to Tell That Your Carpet Needs to Be Cleaned by a Professional
- 9 Steps to Find a High-Grade Professional Cleaning Company
- Professional Carpet Cleaning vs. DIY: Which One is Better?
- Carpet Cleaning Tips for Long Lasting Carpets
Now you know how to repair a burnt pile carpet if the damage is minor
If it so happened that it was possible to burn through the carpet and the area is large enough, you will have to glue the patch.
First, you need to evenly cut a piece of the covering, having previously made the markings so that the edges are even.
Next, you need to glue a patch from the same material by purchasing it in the appropriate store or on the Internet. For the piece to hold, a substrate must be laid under the bottom.
It should be several centimetres larger than the existing hole. The edges are processed with glue, after which the piece is placed under the carpet.
A patch of the same carpet is glued to it. It remains to press down the repaired area with a flat and heavy enough object so that the glue will more effectively hold the inserted piece.
Alternatively, cut a piece from the old carpet, just shortening the cover a little if possible. This solution is used in extreme cases when the same material cannot be found on sale.
Continuing to talk about how to fix a burnt carpet, we note that you can get creative and try to restore the covering using a similar material in a different colour.
This method works best on short pile carpets. Think about what the inserts might be and what colour would work best.
You can, for example, make the decor in the form of real patches, placing them in several sections of the product according to the method considered.
Unusual and original, the burnt hole is not visible. It is easier to buy a suitable carpet than to purchase a completely identical version.
In general, the problem is easier to prevent than fix. To avoid damaging the carpet, just be careful not to carry hot objects over it that could burn through the fibres.
In this article, we looked at what to do if the carpet is burnt – replace damaged fibres with whole ones or make a patch from the same or a different piece.
In the latter case, it will act as decor. But then you will have to make several patches so that everything looks harmonious and believable.
If your carpet needs professional cleaning, call the experts, like the ones at Speedy carpet cleaners in Melbourne. Just follow the link and get a free, personalized carpet repair quote in Melbourne without any commitment.