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Thinking of giving your bathroom a remodel? Looking to do something both gorgeous and practical all at once? Of course, you are! Luckily, the best materials for bathroom walls and floors are porcelain and ceramic tiles.

They’re waterproof and come in fabulous colors and designs. Some look like river stones, wood, and brick. Others give you unique shapes. All let you get creative and make your bathroom a work of art.
But how do you know how to put it all together and choose the right style?
10 Bathroom Tile Ideas for Your Next Renovation
To help, we’ve put together 10 of our favorite bathroom tile ideas. Have a look and then jump into your remodel with a beautiful and functional style you love.
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Classy Modern White Subway
We just love subway tile. It’s such a classic. And if you mix it up with size and go white, you have a sleek, modern look.
Here’s the trick for this look: Go small on the floor with penny tiles in white. Put medium subway tiles on the walls behind the bath or shower. Think half way up. And go with large subway tiles on the ceiling or top section of the walls.
White With a Big Splash of Color
For this cheerful, fun look, use medium white subway tiles on the bottom half of the walls. Go with bright paint or wallpaper print on the top half of the walls. And do giant checkerboard tiles in a fun, bright colors on the floors. Think yellow and green for the checkerboard.
Say Ahoy With a Touch of Shiplap
We do really love all white as a classic that also makes your bathroom look bigger. It’s fun to play with by adding a touch of a different material or color as well. For this look, use white shiplap trim prepared for moisture plus a mix of a tiny hexagon or penny tiles on the floors and medium subway tiles on the walls.
Grey Brick for a Rustic Twist
Bring the outdoor shower look inside with grey brick-styled tiles. Use medium-size brick tile on the walls and small stone-shaped tile on the floors. Light grey makes the bathroom look bigger and is easier to keep clean than white.
Rustic Modern Pebbles
Stone-style tiles are a real favorite for creating a unique, fun look that can go either country rustic or modern or both. For this playful modern look, use light river pebble tiles on the floor. Think grey and white.
Paint the walls white or use big simple tiles. Use wood accents like a wood bench, stool, or trim.
River Rocks Galore
For this unique look that we just love, use medium-sized river rock tiles on the floors and walls. Keep all other accents white, including the ceiling, tub, and sink, with the occasional hint of wood. A glass shower door is a must if you use one.
GreyStone With Pebble Accent
This is a modern look. Use very large grey stone tiles on all walls, including in the shower. Keep it uniform. Shower panels work fabulously too.
Be sure to learn about shower panels before you remodel. They’re a wonderful complement to tiles!
On the floors, use light brown pebbles or river rocks. Create a wall accent stripe from floor to ceiling made of the same pebbles or rocks. Keep all fixtures modern/industrial.
Shiny Bright Pennies From Heaven
Start with white subway tile halfway up the walls, white wood trim, and then white paint all the way up. Accent the bottom four-or-so inches of the wall with bright blue penny tile.
Use all-white large-sized tiles on the floor. Or go with the same blue penny tiles on the floor.
Mix and Match Colors and Styles
Here are two eye-catching blended styles we love. The first gives a real rustic, warm feel. Use handmade terracotta tiles on the floor. They’re gorgeous and look wonderful in natural light.
For the walls, it’s happy aqua green subway tiles. The floor brightens it all up with white hexagon tiles.
The second look uses wood-style tiles. Yes, they are tile but look just like wood so they’re super easy to clean and can handle the water. Go with the wood tiles on the floor and then bright turquoise herringbone or subway tiles on the walls.
Or play around with the pop of color on the walls. Try blue or green penny tiles or try only accenting one wall and painting the rest white. Paint the ceiling white.
Magnificent Mosaics
You can get so many looks with mosaic tiles. Use white, medium subway tile on the walls and go with mosaics for the borders and floors. Or go with white floors and walls and create a pattern on the floor with the mosaic tiles.
We also love using all one color of mosaic tiles for a minimalist modern look. Try blue glimmer mosaics. Add a frosted window to make it even sleeker.
Give your bathroom a boost of energy using all bright blue mosaic tiles or cover the shower in a burst of mosaic colors.
Your Favorite Bathroom Tile Ideas Await
So many fabulous bathroom tile ideas, so hard to choose. But it’s always that way when there’s so much gorgeous, fun, elegant design. Plus, you want it to have a timeless quality.
Read: You want this remodel to last and work well in your bathroom. And you want to love it the whole time
Did any jump of these tile ideas out at you?
Take your time to peruse and imagine, and when you’re ready, you can move on to other creative aspects of your new bathroom design like the shower walls and the lighting design.