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Nearly 81% of Americans have a lawn which shows how much we value them.
Although lawns improve a property’s aesthetic, they need plenty of TLC so they look great in every season. If the thought of lawn care stresses you out, you’ve come to the right place.

Here are the most important nine lawn manicure tips to know.
1. Have the Right Equipment
One of the biggest lawn care secrets is having the right equipment. Start by getting protective gear including long boots, gloves, and safety goggles so you’re safe during a long day of landscaping.
This is especially crucial if you’re handling pesticides or other chemicals because they could irritate your skin.
You should also get your mower serviced at the beginning of the growing season so you get the optimal cut. If not, the blade may become chipped or blunt which will ruin the grass.
2. Test the Soil
An essential part of lawn care is regularly testing your soil. You can either get a kit from your local gardening store or send a soil sample to a lab so they can give you an expert analysis.
Whichever you choose, the results will reveal whether your lawn is healthy, and if not, you can make amendments to your lawn maintenance strategy.
You should also check the soil’s pH. If it’s too acidic, consider a lime treatment or if it’s basic, add fertilizers to add more acidity so the grass can flourish.
Read Also:
- Making Your Grass Greener Than the Other Side: Lawn Maintenance Tips for the Summer Heat
- How to Do Landscaping Right in Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall
- 7 Crucial Tips in Picking the Right Grass Seed for Your Lawn
- Should You Fertilize Lawn in Fall? Yes! Here’s Why & How
- Reasons to Hire a Professional Lawn Care Company
- How do I Cut Very Long Grass?
3. Plant Grass in the Spring
If you’re after lawn care tricks, know when to sow your lawn. Once you’ve determined that your soil is healthy, plant grass in spring because the weather conditions are perfect. Always avoid planting in extreme temperatures because the seeds can’t germinate.
But when the weather’s mild and there’s the perfect balance of sunlight with rain, the grass will thrive.
4. Have a Watering System in Place
One of the top lawn care techniques is knowing how regularly to water your lawn.
Aim to water your lawn daily for two weeks after sowing the seeds but don’t overwater it. As a general rule, if puddles form on your lawn then stop watering immediately.
Not only can it damage the grass but it washes away the fertilizer, the lawn’s main source of nourishment.
On the flip side, the lawn’s roots must absorb the water otherwise it’ll dry out. This means you should water your lawn early in the morning so, by the time the sunlight has peaked, the grasses roots will have absorbed all the moisture.
5. Know When to Mow
Mowing is an art as it determines how manicured your lawn is. Make sure you cut your lawn’s height by one third so it stays healthy and continues to thrive.
Note that you don’t need to cut the grass as often in spring because it grows less slowly, so cut it every fortnight until summer arrives.
Lawn grass should be kept between one- to two inches and only mow on warm days because if the ground is wet, then the mower will smear and smother the soil.
Also, check that the mower’s blades are sharp so they don’t tear the grass. If they need sharpening, head to the local gardening store and they’ll sharpen them for you.
6. Learn How to Fertilize
Aside from sunlight and water, your lawn needs extra nutrients which is why fertilization is crucial. But don’t worry, it’s doesn’t require much maintenance.
You only need to fertilize cool-climate grasses in the spring and summer, and warm-season types in the colder months.
7. Know When to Aerate Your Lawn
Aeration is when you create holes in the soil so it doesn’t thatch. As a result, moisture, nutrients, and oxygen get into the roots so they can grow. But make sure the soil is damp, not sodden, before you aerate, often spring or fall is the best time.
You only need to aerate your lawn once or twice a year otherwise it could irreversibly damage your lawn.
8. Diagnose Lawn Problems
Weeding isn’t the only problem lawns face, you may also notice brown grass, bug infestation, and fungus disease. Another issue is bald spots but luckily, this can be easily fixed.
Start by clearing the area so it’s free from dead grass then till the soil and apply compost to give your lawn much-needed nourishment.
Known as a top dressing, make sure the compost is applied thinly over the grass and use a sweeper to make sure it’s equally spread across it for best results.
9. Edge Your Lawn
Although lawn edging isn’t compulsory, it defines your lawn so it looks polished. To do this, plant stakes on the edge of the lawn’s perimeter so you know what you’re working with. Next, use a garden edger to slide through the grass and continue until you’re happy.
If you’re improving your home for a fall parade then check out this blog for more details.
Those Are Our Lawn Manicure Techniques
Now you know nine lawn manicure techniques so you get the perfect outdoor space for your home.
Test the soil so you know it’s healthy and get the right fertilizer to help the grass grow. It’s important to aerate your lawn, add a top dressing, and look out for common lawn problems so it doesn’t compromise how it looks.
Don’t be afraid to get creative and edge your lawn as it’s an easy way to elevate your backyard. Good luck!
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