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Many businesses are following in the footsteps of huge online giants such as Google and Facebook by converting their offices into mini-cruise ships, complete with on-site daycares, sleep pods, game rooms, and spa days.
Would you be willing to make a few minor adjustments in order to increase the general happiness, productivity, and well-being of your company?

It has been shown again and again that a happy work environment is critical to a company’s overall effectiveness.
Because your workers are the backbone of your company, why not use some of these innovative ideas to enhance the working environment at your office or place of business? Fortunately, there is a variety of easier, less expensive solutions to build a happier, healthier, and more productive workplace.
Here are four benefits that every savvy creative would appreciate.
1. Encourage Physical Activity
Benefits of physical activity have been shown to improve health, happiness, and overall productivity. Encourage them to get up and move about. If your employees’ employment is mostly sedentary, encourage them to take breaks and walkabout.
If you’re feeling really inventive, why not consider making your workplace pet-friendly? Taking a dog for a stroll around the block is a great way to unwind and relax, and it’s a popular idea among Millennials, who desire a dog-friendly workplace, with 40 percent expressing interest.
Furthermore, it has been shown that having dogs in the workplace may lower stress and provide a more pleasant atmosphere.
2. Enhance Your Lighting
Open the blinds and let the natural light in if you have windows. If natural illumination isn’t an option, invest in some high-quality daylight bulbs.
Using daylight spectrum lights in your business will make your workspace more brighter (and more productive) 7 you can use soundproof curtains too.
According to studies, a badly lighted workplace is not stimulating and might actually reduce productivity. Your staff will be a lot happier in a well-lit workplace, rather than feeling as if they are entering into a doom-and-gloom cave every day.
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3. Team Meals
Breaking bread has long been seen as a symbol of peace and cooperation.
Sharing a meal is about coming together as equals, and although discussing Twitter feuds over pineapple pizza may not have the same holy weight as it did in ancient times, it is still a strong team-building tool.
Eating together encourages non-work-related discourse and allows workers to build social relationships with one another.
Close work friendships are commonly formed over shared meals, and according to a Gallup survey, close work friendships enhance employee happiness by 50%, and workers with the best buddy at work are seven times more likely to participate completely in their job.
Here Are Some Ideas to Encourage People to Eat Together
Establish a distinct eating space in the office.
Implement “free meal days,” when the workplace provides breakfast or lunch.
Make some joyful hours.
Organize a workplace potluck.
Encourage employees to personalize their work environments.
When an individual spends 8+ hours a day at an office with no reminders of the outside world, they may begin to feel disconnected from their personal life.
They may also begin to hate having to come to work every day, or they may experience emotional tiredness from spending time in what they consider to be a cold, austere setting that is not really “theirs.”
“Creating a place of one’s own in an otherwise public working setting should… contribute to people’s positive cognitive and emotional states, resulting in increased mental resources,” according to the Association For Psychological Science.
Encourage each employee to customize their workspaces with photographs, a few plants of their own, or other innovative pieces of office artwork that they like. It is one of my favorite suggestions for improving working circumstances for your staff.
You don’t have to construct a playground in the reception area or install a chocolate water fountain near the vending machines to create a better work environment.
You must, however, recognize and address the underlying reasons for low performance (stress, lack of motivation, no personal ties). So, implement a permanent bring-your-dog-to-work day, or any of the other three suggestions suggested above.
Encourage expressions of thankfulness while also providing opportunities for creativity and cooperation. Organize a pizza party.